




Any Amount

Business type BIZ - EDUCATION » SCHOOL - Intl/Pri/Sec » International Schools
Location Singapore » S'pore - Others


Int'l school player (ISP) seeking JV It wants to JV an Intl'l school in S'pore & or other Asean countries The JV partner it seek needs to be at least mid size and established K12 operator The ISP is keen only to acquire above 51% stake and the current operator shall continue to operate and manage the school. About the ISP (Intl Sch player) * Also in K12 biz * A huge, established, foreign operator, * not operating in Singapore, yet * wants at least 51% stake * ISP will head the board and keep CFO position under its control * whereas the JV party shall continue to be Directors, CEO & manage the business The big picture: * ISP wants to expand into Asean countries the ISP has done lots of ground work; ready to roll up The benefit to the local party * local party gets a sizeable upfront cash yet the value of the biz is hardly reduced instead, expected to grow bigger within term * keeps the CEO job & directorship * continue to manage the school The major benefit for both parties comes from the ASEAN venture - the JV school that’s worth few $mil now is expected to be worth multiple times in mid-term due to expansion to almost all Asean countries - the Personal JV worth; expected to be several times more despite cashing out now and being minority shareholder - there is a synergy and strengthen management Pls revert if there is any consideration to go forward. I can even arrange for a meeting with the ISP within 1-2 weeks time! Thank you (Btw, pls note that the pictures are just samples) Details be released after NDA Regards, KESH Muthu Cima(uk), Ceha(sg), Liam(my) Director/ Biz-Venturist, BizMerger Assoc Mktg Director, Huttons, R018049E Mob: 65-9009-9036 (Sg) / +6010-702-6377 (My) /
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Kesh Muthu

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